When you use a service we will charge the fee to your Powershop account. This schedule of fees will be updated from time to time. 

Please note that these are standard service fees. Where additional work is required by an electrician or your network company, or you live in a lifestyle, rural, or remote area, this could involve an additional fee. We may on-charge to you any fees we receive from a network company or other third party in relation to work performed at your request or work required because you have not complied with your obligations. All other fees will be provided on application.

It is important that you provide access to complete the service you have requested. If you fail to meet an arranged appointment or provide access, you will still have to pay the fee for the service requested.

From 1 January 2025 we’re changing some of our remote services fees to better reflect the cost of delivering these services to you.  The updated fees are highlighted in bold in the table below.  All other fees will remain the same.   


Schedule of fees

 All other fees will be provided on application

(All fees include GST)

Service fees


New Fee

Credit card and debit card transaction fee (applies from 24 October 2023)

This fee applies for all payments made by debit card and credit card

0.76% per transaction

New Connection Fee

New Build Fee (per installation)

On application, please call us

Non Network Fault - Call out fee

Weekdays:  (8am–5pm, Monday to Friday)

After Hours: (Outside 8am–5pm, Monday to Friday)


Disconnection for non-payment

Remote - Disconnection is completed remotely 

On site - Disconnection requires a site visit 



Permanent Disconnection (including recovery of meter)

Permanent disconnection of property



(For remote reconnections following disconnection for non-payment
For all physical reconnections requiring a site visit)

Standard reconnection:

(Reconnection requests raised between 7.30am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday)


Remote - Reconnection is completed remotely 

On site – Reconnection requires a site visit 



After hours reconnection:   

(Reconnection requests raised outside the hours of 7.30am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday) 


Remote - Reconnection is completed remotely 

On site – Reconnection requires a site visit 




(For a customer moving to a new property or joining Powershop)



Remote Reconnection:


Physical Reconnection:

 As above

Temporary Disconnection/Reconnection for Safety

A Safety Disconnection is a temporary disconnection of a power supply, enabling you to carry out a task without the risk of touching a live electrical supply, which could lead to serious injury or a fatality.

On application, please call us

Meter Fees

Special meter read

For special and non-scheduled meter reading visits only, For customers with a non-smart meter who require a final read due to switching away from Powershop a fee will apply


Meter Test

Fee only applies if the meter test establishes no equipment failure. Includes prepay meters. 

(Per Meter not Per ICP)


Meter install/removal/relocation

Where a meter needs to be changed or removed. Includes upgrade of temporary supply to permanent supply.


Meter capacity change (Upgrade/Downgrade)

Where a meter change involves a CT install or change or is otherwise complex.


(Wgtn is an additional $185.00)

Meter capacity change (Upgrade/Downgrade)

Where a meter change does not involve a CT


(Wgtn is an additional $185.00)

Distributed Generation - Import/Export Meter Installation

Meter and installation fee for Distributed Generation


AMI Installation

Smart Meter Installation


Asbestos charge

Smart Meter Installation


Meter Reseal

Reseal the meter after relocation or modification


Meter Site Investigation

Site visit required to confirm meter details


Smart Meter Modification

Site visit required to modify a smart meter


Meter Configuration Change - Physical

Site visit needed to change tariff



Permanent supply disconnection (decommission)

Please note if you request a permanent supply disconnection, the electricity supply connection to your property will be permanently disconnected

On application, please call us