Don’t waste your excess solar power, sell it to us to benefit you. We’ll give you 13 cents per kWh, the flexibility of a no fixed term plan, plus all the fab benefits of being a Powershopper. You’ll also get to choose between $150 power credit over your first year* or 12 free weekends^ when you sign up.
Generation terms and conditions apply. *^Ts&Cs and eligibility criteria apply.
You’ll have total visibility
Our smart online tools let you easily track the power that you’re using and exporting for buy-back. This will display on your mobile app as a ‘daily export’ graph and in your desktop account as a ‘heat map’, both giving you detail down to the half-hour, in the same way you’d view your power usage. That’s hot.
Why choose Powershop for solar?
Setting up solar is a big commitment, that's why we'd never lock you into a fixed term contract or charge you an exit fee. We empower you to make savings, on your terms. Our solar buy-back is a chill way to reduce your power bill, and our exclusive Shop is the perfect way to help reduce your bill even further. On top of that, we deliver award winning customer service, voted by Kiwis like you.
Competitive buy-back
Score a sweet solar buy back rate of 13 cents per kWh, with no cap. Plus no fixed contract. Leave anytime with no fees.
Track your usage and what you’re selling
Full transparency of your solar export and your power usage down to the half hour through our app or your desktop account (communicating smart meter required).
Power up with our app
You’re in control. See exactly what you’re using and how much you’re saving in our app (or in your desktop account).
Shop for power deals
You’ll get exclusive access to our Shop, where you can shop for special Powerpacks to help you save even more cash.
Pay it your way
Enjoy flexible payments within your billing cycle. You can choose to prepay, pay later or pay now.
Get Shifty with off peak rates
Access great off-peak rates on Get Shifty. Shift your power usage into off peak hours for even more power savings!
Ts&Cs and eligibility criteria apply. Our buy-back rate is subject to change. An appropriate import-export meter is required. Your monthly Account Review (our version of a power bill) will also show the dollar value of any solar we have bought back.
Keen to learn more about solar?
The sun is a massive renewable energy source, that’s unlikely to run out – so it’s no surprise that solar power systems are growing in popularity. There’re loads of reasons to investigate solar energy.
Check out our Solar power hub, where you can get some tips and tricks for making the most of power from the sun.
Does Powershop offer buy-back rates for solar?
Absolutely. Wherever Powershop is available, we pay a buy-back rate to solar customers for excess generation exported into the grid. We pay customers a flat buy-back rate of 13 cents per kWh exported, with no buy-back cap.
How do I sign up to solar?
If you already have solar and an approved import/export meter – that’s all you need! We’ll automatically put you on our buy-back rate if you’re a new or current customer. Your app and desktop account will update with the new export graph and heat map.
How much solar am I exporting?
Provided you have an approved import/export meter, we’ll receive data on your usage, just as we do with the electricity you use. This will display on your mobile app as a new ‘Daily export’ graph and in your desktop account as an extra heat map under the ‘Usage’ tab.
Your monthly Account Review will also show the dollar value of the solar power we’ve bought back.
Is there a buy-back cap?
Nope! We don’t think it’s fair to cap it. We want you to make the most of the solar panels you've installed and generated from.
Do you work with other generation sources?
Solar is the main form of ‘distributed energy’ we support, but the same deal applies with excess power generated by micro-hydro or wind systems.
Is solar right for me?
Installing a solar system is a big decision – the upfront cost is high, so it’s not for everyone. There’s some helpful information on these websites:
Metering requirements and installation fees vary by network region, so please contact us before you install your own system.
Why is there a difference of buy-back vs. usage rates?
The big difference between your usage rate and the buy-back rate (13 c/kWh) is, your usage rate includes network charges, levies, etc. The buy-back rate only includes the wholesale cost of energy (we sell your excess generation to the wholesale market on your behalf).