Get Shifty (Time of Use)
What is Time of Use/Get Shifty?
With Time of Use pricing (Get Shifty), you pay a higher rate for power you use at peak times, and a lower rate for power you use at off-peak times. Some network areas also have an even lower rate at night.
It pays to shift as much of your usage as you can to off-peak times.
If you are in a network area where Off Peak and Peak pricing is the default and you have a smart meter, then you will automatically be put on this plan. If you are not in one of these networks and would like to see if you are eligible, you can contact our friendly customer care team via Live Chat on our website.
What are my peak, off-peak, and night times?
Check out our Get Shifty map to see what the times are in your network, or find your times in the list of networks below.
Auckland Central & South, Auckland North & West (Vector network)
Counties (Counties Power network)
Tauranga, Thames Valley & Coromandel (Powerco East network)
Taranaki, Whanganui, Wairarapa, Manawatu, Rangitikei & Hawera (Powerco West network)
Eastland (Firstlight Network)
Wellington (Wellington Electricity network)
Marlborough (Marlborough Lines network)
North Canterbury (Mainpower network)
Off-peak times: 11am to 5pm and 9pm to 7am weekdays, all day weekends. Peak times: 7am to 11am and 5pm to 9pm weekdays.
Canterbury (Orion network), Mid Canterbury (Electricity Ashburton network)
Off-peak times: 9pm to 7am weekdays, all day weekends. Peak times: 7am to 9pm weekdays.
Far North (Top Energy network)
Northland (Northpower network)
Hamilton (WEL Networks)
Off-peak times: 9.30am to 5.30pm and 8pm to 10pm weekdays, 7am to 10pm weekends. Peak times: 7am to 9.30am and 5.30pm to 8pm weekdays. Night times: 10pm to 7am weekdays and weekends.
Waipa District (Waipa Networks)
Off-peak times: 9.30am to 5.30pm and 8pm to 10pm every day. Peak times: 7am to 9.30am and 5.30pm to 8pm every day. Night times: 10pm to 7am every day.
Taupo, Rotorua, Hawke’s Bay (Unison network)
Kapiti & Horowhenua (Electra network)
East Otago (OtagoNet network)
Southland Urban & Rural (The Power Company network)
Invercargill (Electricity Invercargill network)
Off-peak times: 11am to 5pm and 9pm to 11pm, every day. Peak times: 7am to 11am and 5pm to 9pm, every day. Night times: 11pm to 7am, every day.
Southern Hawkes Bay (Scanpower network)
Buller (Buller Electricity Network)
West Coast (Westpower network)
South Canterbury Urban & Rural (Alpine Energy network)
Waitaki (Network Waitaki)
Off-peak times: 11pm to 7am, every day. Peak times: 7am to 11pm, every day.
Eastern Bay of Plenty (Horizon network)
Off-peak times: 11am to 5pm and 9pm to 10pm, every day. Peak times: 7am to 11am and 5pm to 9pm, every day. Night times: 10pm to 7am, every day.
King Country High & Low Density (The Lines Company Network)
Off-peak times: 9.30am to 5.30pm and 8pm to 11pm, every day. Peak times: 7am to 9.30am and 5.30pm to 8pm, every day. Night times: 11pm to 7am, every day.
Central Hawkes Bay (Centralines network)
Off-peak times: 11am to 5pm and 9pm to 7am, every day. Peak times: 7am to 11am and 5pm to 9pm, every day.
Central Otago, Dunedin, Queenstown (Aurora network)
Off-peak times: 12pm to 5pm and 10pm to 7am, every day. Peak times: 7am to 12pm and 5pm to 10pm, every day.
Tasman (Network Tasman), Nelson City (Nelson Electricity network)
Off-peak times: 11pm to 7am weekdays, all day weekends. Peak times: 7am to 11pm weekdays.
Note: These times may be subject to change
What are my peak, off-peak, and night rates?
Once you’re up and running with Time of Use/Get Shifty, you’ll be able to see your full rates including the new peak, off-peak and, in some areas, night rates on the Your Rates page on the mobile app or in your desktop account
You’ll also get a snapshot of what period you are in right now and the related rate on the Balance page of your desktop account.
Key thing to note is that while your off-peak (and in some areas, night) rates will be lower, your peak rate will also be higher.
How can I track what times I’m using power?
You can monitor how much power you’ve used off-peak vs peak on the Daily Usage graph in our mobile app.
The Balance page of your desktop account will also show you what period you are in now, and what the current rate is, as well as what all your rates are for that day so you can see what time to shift your usage to.
How do I shift more of my usage?
Making the most of Time of Use/Get Shifty is all about shifting as much of your power use from peak to off-peak or night times as you can.
Power-hungry appliances include dishwashers, ovens, washing machines, and of course heaters.
New models of dishwashers, heat pumps etc may have timers or even wifi controls. But let’s face it, most of your ability to shift and save will be if you are at home at off-peak times and able to delay using those big power guzzlers till then. Here are some examples:
- Delaying the dishwasher until off-peak times
- Doing all your clothes washing on the weekend
- Leaving the heat pump off during peak times and turning it back on when you reach off-peak
- Move your morning shower to a night time shower
If you need to know whether you are in a peak, off-peak, or night period, remember to check the Balance page on your desktop account. The slider will tell you what period you’re in and what the rate is right now.