Things are a bit unsettling right now as the country takes steps to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
But we just wanted to give you some peace of mind that the power industry has plans in place to ensure the electricity keeps flowing, and that here at Powershop, we continue to be available to help you if you need it.
How we can help
Please get in touch with us if you are having trouble paying your power bill, or think you may in future. We have payment options available and can also hook you up with budget advisors and other services that may be able to help, such as Work and Income.
Keeping the lights on
The generation companies, Transpower, network companies, and retailers like us are all working to keep our teams safe and healthy, and the power on. For Powershop this includes many of our crew working from home and we have introduced more stringent hygiene practices in our offices. Our hands are getting well and truly washed!
Together with the Government, the electricity industry also has a comprehensive emergency plan in place in case things really turn to custard.
How to get in touch
You can use our live chat at the bottom of the page, or email We'll continue to keep you updated on any further developments, or help that we can offer. Stay safe.