Future Packs are discounted Powerpacks you can buy now to use later. They’re great for stocking up on power ahead of the colder months, or simply paying for power in advance when you have the money to spare. Find out how you can find them, when you can buy them and when you can use them.

How do I find them?
Log in to your Powershop account, click the ‘Shop’ tab and you’ll find Future Packs at the bottom of the page.

In the mobile app, swipe left through the circles to a future month. Or go to the menu and tap on ‘Shop’, then scroll down to the Future Packs section at the bottom.

When can I buy them?
You can buy Future Packs from six months to two months in advance, with discounts ranging from 10% to 2% against your standard rate. The earlier you buy, the more you save!

A new Future Pack (for six months ahead) hits the shop at the beginning of each calendar month with the full 10% discount, and you have the whole month to buy it at that discount level. You can buy up to two packs for each month.

If you don’t have quite enough in your budget to cover a Future Pack purchase right now, check out our blog post on how to buy now and pay later.

As with all our Powerpacks, you can get a refund within 48 hours of purchase if you change your mind.

When can I use them?
Each Future Pack is available for use from the date of the Account Review prior. For example, if your account review is on the 15th, a June Future Pack will be available for use from 15 May.

Like our other Powerpacks, Future Packs don’t expire – not even when the month ends. If the Future Pack doesn’t get used up before your Account Review period is over, any balance will roll over to a later Account Review period.