We’re upfront with our prices. We don’t expose you to the risks of the spot market or try to hide what we charge you.
We don’t have lots of confusing plans
Powershop has no plans as such. We offer our best possible price for your household based on where you live, how your meter is set up, the amount of power you use over the year and when you use it.
It's easy to find your price
Use our easy calculator to get a price estimate for your household. Simply enter your address. Get an estimate of your price now. Once you join us, you can see your rates at any time on our mobile app or your desktop account.
Seasonal prices, with no surprises
Our standard energy pricing is seasonal to reflect the market price of electricity, but without the risk of the big unpredictable price spikes you can get with spot pricing. Our seasonal pricing goes up slightly in autumn and winter when demand is higher, and down again over spring and summer. But there are no surprises – you can always see what your prices will be month to month.
"What's not to love about great power prices? Having control over your own pricing and savings and feeling that being a customer of Powershop means a lot to them."
How our pricing works
Your Powershop rates are made up of a daily fixed charge and separate charges for every kilowatt hour (kWh) of power you use.
Your rates are based on:
- Whether you’re a standard or a low user.
- How your meter is set up – this is also called your ‘tariff’. The most common set-ups are ‘inclusive’, ‘controlled/uncontrolled’, ‘day/night’ and ‘night only’. Find out more.
- Where you live – different lines companies (or networks) supply different regions, and all have their own way of pricing.
Save by shifting your power use
If you have a smart meter, in many areas of NZ you can pay different rates by moving onto our 'Get Shifty' option. With Get Shifty you can pay a lower rate for the power you use at off-peak times of the day, and often the whole weekend. But you also pay a slightly higher rate at peak times, so it's not for everyone.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have prompt payment discounts?
No, we don't have prompt payment discounts. Instead, if you have access to our online shop, you can buy regular discounted Powerpacks (Specials) throughout the month, to save you money as you go.
What makes up the Powershop price?
The full cost of supplying power to your property is included in your price:
- The cost of generating electricity
- The cost of transmitting and distributing electricity to your home
- Electricity Authority levies
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Service costs such as meter lease and reading, billing and customer support
- Powershop's cost to bundle all of this up with award-winning customer service to you.
Watch our video to see what’s in your power price.
Will I be charged for additional services?
Yes, you will be charged for additional services in certain situations e.g. special meter reads you request – for more information see our schedule of fees. We will tell you if you are going to be charged.
What does Powershop offer low users?
If you use less than 8,000 kWh of electricity per year in your main home, or less than 9,000 kWh per year if you live in parts of the South Island, you're eligible for Powershop’s low user pricing. We have a special section on this in our sign up form. But don't worry about getting it wrong. We will regularly review your account to ensure you're on the best pricing option for your household.
Why are your prices different for different people?
The price of your power will differ depending on where you live, how much electricity you use, your meter set-up and how much your network company charges.